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Transbaikal region (Transbaikalia) borders Amur and Irkutsk regions, Buryat Republic and Yakitiya Republic of Russia. South and east-south borders of Transbaikal region are the state borders of Russia with Mongolia and China.


Transbaikal region is beautiful and sunny! Transbaikal unique nature is deep lakes, rich forests, and high sky. In Transbaikal region there are a lot of sunny days in a year, even more than in Sochi! It’s a representative feature of Transbaikal climate.

Transbaikal region is multinational! There are 120 ethnic groups living in Transbaikalia. Aboriginals, such as Evenks and Buryats; Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusian that were settling here for centuries; Tatars, Germans, Poles, Jews and others live as good neighbors today, because they have become Transbaikal people.

Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Judaic and all of the other religious traditions are respected in Transbaikal region. The reconstruction of the largest Buddhist Datsan was finished in 2008. In 2015 the restoration of the Chita Mosque, which is one of the oldest mosques in the Far East and one of the five cultural unique monuments in Russia, has ended.

Transbaikal region is memorable! Transbaikal diversity of cultures makes wonderful atmosphere that you feel once and will never forget. And it’s impossible not to mention Transbaikal ethnic cuisines! For example, famous Buryat Buuz, Chikoi pine nuts, fragrant Transbaikal wild berries jam and traditional tea with milk, which is very good to get warm in a winter day.