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Transbaikal State University is a multi-educational, scientific and innovative complex, providing a multi-level training of highly qualified specialists for industry, governmental/municipal authorities and law structures in the area of Transbaikal region, Far East and Eastern Siberia.

Until 2003 Transbai-kal State University was named State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Chita State Technical University”. Then it was renamed to State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Chita State University” (Order of RF Ministry of Education and Science № 274- к by 23.07.2003).

In 2012 State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Chita State University” was reorganized to Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Transbaikal State University” after consolidation with Zabaikalsky State Humanitarian Pedagogical University named after N. Chernishevsky (Order of RF Ministry of Education № 33 by 20.01.2012).

In 2016 Federal State Budgetary Educa-tional Institution of Higher Professional Edu-cation “Transbaikal State University” was renamed to Federal State Bud-getary Educational Insti-tution of Higher Educa-tion “Transbaikal State University” (Order of RF Ministry of Education and Science № 259 by 21.03.2016).

Now it is the largest University in Transbaikal region, which educational and scientific potential responds the modern requirements and ensure sustainable development of higher education. Transbaikal State University creates the conditions for all directions of quality education, for the development of every student professional, scientific and creative abilities.

The modern educa-tional process in the Uni-versity is carried out at 12 faculties. There are Distance Learning Center, Humanitarian Technical College and two Lyceum operating at the University. At present, the number of University students is more than 18 thousand, including about 8,000 full-time training. In 88 training courses and specialties of the University students receive strong and qualitative knowledge. Transbaikal State University adopted worldwide multi-level system of education, including four-year bachelor’s degree on 57 directions with the possibility of continuing education for master's degree and 25 programs that can be continued in receiving postgraduate and doctoral degrees. Educational process is provided by highly qualified lecturers, 62 % of which have academic degrees, including 10 % of doctor’s degrees. Among the teaching staff of the University there are sectorial academies of sciences academicians and corresponding members, certificated and honored workers of Russian Federation higher professional education, honored workers by different industrial branches.

Please contact us: umo@chita.ru 8 (3022) 35-98-71, 44-04-66, Office for International Affairs, Transbaikal State University.